Sage Intacct for Professional Services

Get actionable insights into project profitability in real-time

professional woman holding laptop
location pie chart
CFO Dashboard
cash balance graph

Access Data From Anywhere

In the professional services industry, having precise and comprehensive data on your projects is crucial. It's not just about delivering results to clients—it's about making informed decisions to manage projects profitably. Without this vital data, your business risks inefficiency and missed opportunities for growth.

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    Aggregate Your Data In One Place

    How can you get an overall view of your financials if you’re spending most of your time tracking down and entering data? Sage Intacct Projects fixes this by automating the process of tracking costs, time, expenses, billing, and revenue recognition.

    With these insights, you'll know where to adjust to reach your project and revenue goals. You’ll have one source of truth for all dashboards and reports, including those based on roles, allowing you to see the status of jobs, milestones, and invoices.

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    Actionable Real-Time Project Costs

    Profitably managing a project is challenging when you can't monitor and respond to tasks in real time. Sage Intacct empowers you to track costs in real time and see your profit margins.

    You can compare the cost of work completed to target project budgets, allowing your finance, sales, and project management teams to spend less time entering data and more time collaborating on improving the drivers of business revenue.

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    Build reports and dashboards

    With Sage Intacct, you can build custom reports and dashboards tailored to your project-specific requirements. As soon as timesheets and expenditures are submitted, project dashboards are automatically updated to display profitability.

    Additionally, Sage Intacct offers more than 25 out-of-the-box reports, allowing you to view key performance indicators for project profitability, delivery costs, and revenue per service delivery.

Actionable KPIs that Drive Your Growth

Your clients cost you money, and assigning the wrong resources to a project can mean lost profits. By tracking metrics like project margins and billing cycles, Sage Intacct helps improve project profitability. You get better visibility into your metrics at every level:

  • Project

  • Task

  • Department

  • Customer

This gives you more time to analyze your data and adjust where necessary. Don’t bid based on false data; you need actionable KPIs based on current performance. With accurate insights, you’ll know how to optimize your resources and set appropriate billing for your next client.

See how Sage Intacct and Roghnu Data Portal can take hours off your time and labor costs.

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Rated 5 out of 5
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The Roghnu team was very responsive and great at communicating expectations and the timeline of the implementation process. They were also great at troubleshooting any issues that arose while working together.
— Ben F. | Mid Market Leader

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sage Intacct is tailor-made for companies that bill by project. Its high-powered general ledger lets you track the dimensions that matter to you. You can also:

    • Bill by project task.

    • Track time and expenses (even for unbillable work).

    • Set budget limits on projects and tasks.

    • See revenue by stages like milestone and percentage of task completed.

  • Yes, Sage Intacct handles the accounting processes that are too complex to trust to more and more staff. It will help you with:

    • Complex invoices and different revenue sources.

    • Automating your time entry, expenses, and purchase orders into your invoices.