ERP: Here’s When It’s Time to Upgrade

Kudos to you! Your business is growing. But as awesome as it is to watch your business grow, you may be experiencing a few growing pains too.

Is your current accounting system struggling to keep up? If so, your organization is running only as fast and as efficiently as your “low cost” program is — making it not so “low cost” after all.

If you’re toying with the idea of investing in a more scalable solution but aren’t sure if it’s the right time, here are some signs that we’ve seen from other clients we’ve worked with:

  • Crazy workarounds – And when we say “crazy” we mean it from both a quantity and quality perspective. These workarounds are typically several spreadsheets and multiple manual processes that are becoming too numerous and interdependent for you to keep up with or deem reliable. What you have to determine is 1) how many of these workarounds truly currently exist within your organization, as there may be more than you realize 2) the amount of time you and your team is spending on each and 3) how often errors are resulting from these processes. An ERP solution can streamline all of these much more quickly and efficiently, which creates major savings in time, man-power and money.

  • Results that are not real-time – Ambiguous data can create quite the challenge when trying to make quick, intelligent business decisions. If you are unable to get fast, reliable, real-time information from your current accounting program, it’s time to look at a program that can provide the business intelligence you need.

  • Additional departments and locations – Growing businesses usually expand both internally (departments) and externally (geographic locations). Quite often, accounting solutions don’t have the ability to properly handle those multiple entities. If your software is unable to accurately handle the financials by location and/or by overall entity, then you are cheating yourself out of a big efficiency opportunity.

  • Accounting and Sales don’t “play well” together – Meaning, you’ve got different software running in different departments, but none of them integrate. This not only creates situations in which there is a lot of double entry, but a lot of data deferral as well. An ERP solution like Intacct can easily integrate your disparate programs, which will remove those error-prone data entry tasks and get you the real-time visibility that you need in every department of your organization. The bonus? You don’t have to get rid of those programs that your team already knows and loves (like Salesforce).

There are hidden costs if you wait to upgrade, so why continue putting it off? The move to an ERP solution like Sage Intacct is easier and more inexpensive than you may think.

Even better, you can rely on our expert team here at Roghnu to help you every step of the way. So, if you are experiencing any of the above signs, give us a call today.


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