4 Pain Points of Quickbooks

Trust us, we know finance and accounting are no simple task and let’s not even begin to talk about the nightmares spreadsheets give us with, manual data-entry, re-entry, errors, and no real-time financial and operational data analysis.

Worst of all if you’re using QuickBooks, it can be even more frustrating. The accounting solution that is supposed to help with these pains, is instead causing more problems by forcing you to use spreadsheets.

If you are wondering if your company is outgrowing your current accounting system check out the 4 key pain points of QuickBooks and the solution Sage Intacct provides:

Pain Point 1:

Manual Processes and Over-Reliance on Spreadsheets

Solution: Save thousands of hours every year by automating close and reporting, revenue recognition, project accounting, and more. Sage Intacct can help you automate all this and more, for one location or multiple locations. Use your staff’s time to work on strategic initiatives rather than data re-entry or correcting spreadsheet errors.

Pain Point 2:

Lack of Robust Reporting and Visibility to Drive Decision Making

Solution: Sage Intacct was uniquely designed to give you endless reporting flexibility. Unlike QuickBooks, Sage Intacct enables you to track both financial and operational data in real-time. You can easily drill from top-level results down to the performance for a specific entity or location, then down to individual transactions.

Pain Point 3:

Lack of Data Integrity in System of Record

Solution: Sage Intacct allows you to integrate with other corporate systems so that you can get a full picture of your finances without having to do multiple entries for the same piece of data. If you use Salesforce.com, there is a native integration that lets you use both systems without having to log in and out of them.

Paint Point 4:

No Access to Data from Multiple Locations

Solution: With Sage Intacct, you can make it easy for your team to increase productivity. Sage Intacct cloud ERP is browser-based and mobile-friendly, so you can get the data you need – any place, any time, on any device. You can easily enter data and access financial data on your laptop, see information on your iPad, and approve transactions from your mobile phone.

So, if these pain points are sounding too familiar, maybe it’s time to consider upgrading. And plus, accounting doesn’t get much better than; automation of day-to-day tasks, one click reporting and dashboards, access to your financial data anytime and a solution that will keep up with the growth and complexity of your business!

The move to an ERP solution like Sage Intacct is easier and more inexpensive than you may think. Even better, you can rely on our expert team here at Roghnu to help you every step of the way. So, if you are experiencing any of the above signs, give us a call today.


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